martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

the floggers by javier elencwajg and geremias blejman

There is a new gang in Argentina: it’s called “floggers”.
All of them were very colorful jeans and theirs T-shirts are very colorful too. They use sun glasses all day, and a very funny hair style.
The floggers use to listening electronic music and different kinds of remix. They dance it too and call they dance moves “flogger step”. The most important flogger person is a girl called “Cumbio” because she has the most visited fotolog in argentina.
The floggers use to spend their free time at the abasto and different kin of shopping, they meet there whit their friends and do floggers thins like take photographs each other or themselves. But floggers aren’t alone there because there are another like “matakos” or “cumbieros”. These gangs use to fight against other gangs like floggers because they hate them. Personally I think they fight because they are teenagers, and teenagers fight all the time, but someone should do something

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